The Safe Supply Portfolio

At the core of our strategy is a diversified portfolio of companies and investments encompassing equity, debt, and partnerships that stretch across the entire Medical Technologies and AI healthcare spectrum.

Portfolio Companies

Ensuring all healthcare solutions meet rigorous quality and testing standards is fundamental to our mission. Our first investment is in Safety Strips, a leader in developing advanced testing solutions to achieve the highest standards of safety and compliance in healthcare applications across North America.

Safety Strips Tech Corp.

Safety Strips was developed to build trust and ensure safety within every single individual.
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Drug Lab 118 Ltd.

DrugLab US, a subsidiary of DrugLab118 Ltd. (DrugLab UK), is a leading healthcare platform specializing in innovative drug testing, analysis, and safety solutions, enhancing accessibility and accuracy through advanced technology.
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RAMM Pharma Corp.

RAMM Pharma Corp. is a Canadian company specializing in pharmaceutical and cannabis-based products, focused on innovative medical solutions.
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More Investments Coming Soon

We’ve also developed a proprietary pipeline of early-stage companies that have strong management teams and well-designed business strategies that will play a pivotal role in the burgeoning safe supply ecosystem.

We expect to execute on many of these opportunities over the next 6 – 12 months.

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